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BIT+ "New Hope" the EMPEROR

Today ITP Studios is pleased to announce the release of the new BIT+ Paper Toy from the "New Hope" Series, the man who brought us the Galactic Empire, the Emperor!!!

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Darth Sidious, or as the Emperor, he was truly the ultimate evil in Star Wars. It took a couple of tries to get the right look I was going for but once I found it he came together very quickly. Not much to him though. I was lots get the shadows and eyes right that were the major issues. In the end I really like how he turned out. One of my more favorite characters from the "New Hope" line.

That's it for this release. Check back February 14th for the next NEW BIT+ Paper Toy release (I may sneak in another BIT+ Paper Toy before then but it will be a Variant of a previously released paper toy).

Thank you for all the support and enjoy the paper toys.

BIT+ Paper Toys
Creating paper toy.....madness!!



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